Stories from the Carriage Trade: A Staged Reading

Saturday, April 25, 2015

8 PM

Quinn’s Bar and Grill, 356 W. 44th Street, second floor, between 8th and 9th Avenues

OHMA alum Elisabeth Sydor will host a staged reading of her thesis. Hear inside tales of the carriage business in the 1980’s, when Hell's Kitchen's horse-drawn carriages still trotted the streets of New York City any time of the day or night. The evening will be narrated by former carriage drivers Dave Forshtay, Maggie Goodman, Bryan Northam, Åsa Jahnke Stephens, and Elisabeth Sydor - from the book of their oral histories and Elisabeth's written recollections, developed from her masters thesis for OHMA.

Free admission and no minimum, but purchase of drinks/dinner go toward the room rental - much appreciated!

Check out the Facebook event page.