No RNC: Impressions of a Convention
by Zack Daniel Schiavetta
[Frank Reynoso]: The RNC was coming, was looming over the horizon, like a dark storm cloud. [Sounds of a nearly empty arena] [Molly Fair]: In terms of my excitement leading up to the Republican National Convention... [Convention opening music plays into fade out.]
[Molly Fair]: In terms of my excitement leading up to the Republican National Convention, I felt like, really re-engerized because there was a lot of people from different organizing and walks of life coming together at spokescouncils. It felt like everybody's voice was being recognized and heard, you know, without getting into personal dramas which I wasn't really privy to. But it felt like, for the first time, for me that even though I lived in New York for just a few years, my world opened up to a wider world of New York City organizing. And that I felt part of it beyond, like, my status at the time as a student. I was like, "Oh wait, this could be what I do for the next ten years."
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