OHMA students are eligible to register for most Graduate school of Arts & Sciences courses via the online website SSOL. Exceptions are courses that are capped or restricted. For these classes please consult the OHMA Program Coordinator. 


Registration Times: The current registration dates can be found on the University registrar's website here. Specific registration appointment times will be available through SSOL.

Finding Courses

Directory of ClassesThe directory lists all classes for GSAS, SIPA, and the School of Social Work. OHMA classes can be found under "O" in Subjects. 

Students are encouraged to shop classes in the first two weeks of the semester before finalizing their schedules.


Registration for all GSAS courses takes place through Student Services Online (SSOL) [link to: ssol.columbia.edu]. For questions on registration, please see the Registrar's answers to registration FAQs before contacting OHMA with questions. If the available information is not helpful, we will be happy to discuss any further questions you may have.

When registering for classes, remember to register for the appropriate Residence Unit as well (full, half, or quarter). For more information on Residence Units, see the GSAS website.

Please also take note of the academic calendar (be sure you've selected the appropriate school and year!) for information about add/drop and pass/fail deadlines. Please note that withdrawal/leave of absence deadlines are different.

Holds and Immunization

Holds: Students with holds listed on Student Services Online cannot register and are not officially enrolled until any and all holds are removed. Students should contact the office administering the hold to determine what course of action is needed to remove the hold. Only the office that placed the hold can remove the hold from record.

Immunization: New York State Public Health Law 2165 requires all students born on or after January 1, 1957 and registered for 6 or more credits to document proof of their immunity to measles (2 doses), mumps and rubella (MMR). You must demonstrate compliance with this public health law by completing the Columbia University MMR form or you will not be permitted to register for classes after your first semester.

Students are also encouraged to become vaccinated against meningitis. While meningitis vaccination is not required, students must certify their vaccination decision.

For more detailed information, and to document your MMR immunization and/or your meningitis vaccination decision, please see the Health Services website.

Grading & Academic Expectations

All students are expected to maintain a B average while studying at OHMA.

Incomplete Policy: Students who do not finish the coursework for a given course in time for the semester's final grades will have the opportunity to take an "Incomplete" (IN). This designation is valid for six months after the end of the semester in which the course took place. For example, if you take an IN for a course in Fall 2019, you have until June 30 for the professor to have submitted your "grade change" if you are not graduating in the spring semester. This means submitting your outstanding work in time for the professor to complete this grade change before the end of that semester. After this time, the grade becomes an irreversible F so please make sure to plan your time accordingly! OHMA will not certify students for graduation who have an F on their transcript. For more information, please see GSAS's website.

Withdrawals & Leaves of Absence

Occasionally students need to take a leave of absence from the program for various reasons and some even find it necessary to withdraw from the program. If you find yourself in this situation, before taking any action please:

  1. Consult with the program coordinator or director about your options

  2. Visit the Registrar's website for more information the timing and finances of Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

  3. Visit GSAS' website to see what the school policies are for Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

  4. Notify the OHMA staff of your final decision

We hope that OHMA students won't need to use this information but if you do please know we will do our best to help you through the process.

Please also take note of the academic calendar (be sure you've selected the appropriate school and year!) for information about add/drop and pass/fail deadlines. Please note that withdrawal/leave of absence deadlines are different.