I Belong to Glasgow?

Rebecca McGilveray

An Exploration of the Intersectionalities of the Loss of a Place and the Loss of a Person.


This installation is a part of INTER\VIEWS: an inter\active oral history exhibition, showcasing multimedia projects and stories recorded by the 2018-2019 cohort of Columbia University’s Oral History MA program. Register here!

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When you lose someone, it changes you. When you lose a place, it changes you. How you see yourself, your class and how you interact with others all shift. New buildings, new sounds, new smells. Come on a sensory journey through the medium of film - becoming an insider on loss from the perspective of a city, a family, a woman.

Photo Credit: "Clydebuilt" by Glasgow Artist, Libby Walker. 

Rebecca is the first Scottish student to join the OHMA program. Her exhibition is the culmination of years of reflection over what it means to belong to Glasgow in a time of gentrification, displacement and personal loss. She is looking forward to showing her film and continuing to work on projects related to displacement post-graduation.