Nov. 14: OHMA Open House

Please join us for an open house for the Oral History MA Program at Columbia University


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When: Thursday, November 14, 6-7:30 PM

Where: 509 Knox Hall, 606 W. 122nd Street


  • Information session

  • Meet OHMA students and alums

  • Mini-interviewing workshop, taught by Columbia Center for Oral History Director Mary Marshall Clark.

    Refreshments will be served.

    OHMA is the first program of its kind: a one-year interdisciplinary Master of Arts degree training students in oral history method and theory. Our graduates work in museums, historical societies, advocacy organizations, media, the arts, education, human rights and development. OHMA is also excellent preparation for doctoral work in fields like anthropology, history, journalism, and American studies or professional degrees in law, education, or social work.  

    Join us to find out more!