We are excited to share a round of spring news updates from our Oral History MA program alumni community!
Read MoreOHMA Co-Director Mary Marshall Clark Wins 2017 Forrest C. Pogue Award!
Mary Marshall Clark teaching prospective OHMA students and emerging oral historians at the recent One-Day Oral History Training Workshops at Columbia University. Photo credit: Emma Courtland.
Congratulations to OHMA Co-Director and Columbia Center for Oral History Research Director, MARY MARSHALL CLARK, on being awarded the 2017 Forrest C. Pogue Award from Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region! Mary Marshall has served on the OHMAR Board and is a lifetime member of the organization.
Read MoreThe Liberation of Oral History: A Little History and A Lot of Work
In this post, Mary Marshall Clark—Director of the Columbia Center for Oral History Research, Co-Director of OHMA, and Senior Member of the Columbia University Institutional Review Board—reflects on the recent update to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, which has clarified the exclusion of oral history from its research review mandates.
Read MoreAnnouncing the 2016-2017 OHMA Research Grant Award Recipients
We are proud to announce that our 2016-2017 OHMA Research Grants have been awarded to current students Robin Miniter (2016) and Fanny Julissa García (2016), who will be exploring the experiences of women who have navigated either American wilderness and patriarchy, or immigration detention and identity formation. Funding and support has been made possible through the GSAS Thesis Research Matching Award program.
Read MoreNovember Book Publication—‘Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City,’ By OHMA Co-Director Amy Starecheski
OHMA is excited to announce that Amy Starecheski’s book, Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City (University of Chicago Press, 2016), has officially been published! It is for sale online and is starting to appear in bookstores, from Red Emma's in Baltimore to Book Culture on Broadway in New York City. Congratulations, Amy! We look forward to hosting you for an OHMA Workshop lecture on Thursday, January 19, 2017.
Read MoreJun. 19-30: Memory, Visuality, and Mobility Oral History Summer Seminar in Florence
Applications are now open for a new two-week long intensive seminar exploring oral history, memory, visuality, and the body. The course is co-sponsored by the European Research Council Project Bodies Across Borders: Oral and Visual Memory in Europe and Beyond (BABE) and the Columbia University Oral History Master of Arts Program (OHMA), and hosted by the Department of History and Civilization at the European University Institute, Florence.
2016 Recipient of the Jeffrey H. Brodsky Oral History Award: Benji de la Piedra
The Jeffrey H. Brodsky Oral History Award is given to one student annually whose thesis makes an important contribution to knowledge and most exemplifies the rigor, creativity, and ethical integrity we teach our students.
We are pleased to recognize Benji de la Piedra’s (2014) contributions to advancing the field of oral history and look forward to presenting the award in person at his thesis lecture next month. Please join us for the celebratory event on Tuesday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m. in 509 Knox Hall, co-sponsored by Columbia's Center for American Studies and Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability, where Benji is a fellow this fall.
Read MoreMeet Our 2016-2017 Graduate Assistants!
From left to right: Dina Asfasha, Fanny Garcia, and Emma Courtland.
OHMA is excited to welcome three new graduate assistants for the 2016-2017 academic year!
Dina Asfaha joins us as Program Assistant, offering research support to faculty, helping organize our public events, and contributing to OHMA's special projects.
Fanny Garcia is our Outreach Assistant this year, expanding the scope of our public engagement, increasing the visibility of our program, and deepening our social media presence.
Emma Courtland will be our Video Production Assistant, recording our Oral History Workshop Series lectures, editing our YouTube broadcasts and podcasts, and conducting video interviews with our program affiliates.
Read MoreAmplify: The New Oral History Podcast Network
In this post, OHMA alum Kate Brenner (2014) writes about her desire to make oral history projects more accessible to a public audience. The popularity of podcasts means the field is ripe for oral history, but breaking into the world of radio is difficult for people unfamiliar with it. As a result, Kate decided to start Amplify: The Oral History Podcast Network.
Read MoreOHMA Seeks Student Fieldwork and Internship Partners
We are excited to announce that there continue to be multiple opportunities to work with Columbia's Oral History MA program students this year! First, we are seeking organizations or projects with which students can partner to conduct three interviews as part of their fall fieldwork course.
Second, OHMA students are able to undertake internships for credit.
Read MoreAnnouncement of 2016 OHMA Alumni Conference Travel Award Recipient
Congratulations to Cindy Choung (2009), the first recipient of our annual OHMA Alumni Conference Travel Award! Cindy will be chairing a roundtable at the 2016 Oral History Association Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California, titled: “Storytelling the Environment: Environmental Activism, Science, and Storytelling within an Intersectional Framework.”
Read MoreFernanda Espinosa to be a Smithsonian Fellow in Washington, DC
Fernanda is spending her Summer at the Smithsonian Institution in America’s Capitol
Ecuador native, New York based, Fernanda Espinosa is off to do a Fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution’s Latino Museum Studies Program (LMSP). She will be working with Ranald Woodaman, Director of Exhibits and Public Programs (and LMSP alumn) – Smithsonian Latino Center, on the Latino DC History Project: Muralism project research.
The Latino DC History Project is a multi-year initiative to document, preserve, and share the stories of Latino/as in the institutions, culture, economy and daily life of the nation's capital. Working with the Smithsonian Latino Center (SLC) Exhibitions and Public Program Director, Fernanda will explore the feasibility of a long-term muralism project in DC as a component of the Latino DC History Project.
Fernanda Espinosa is an Andean immigrant based in Brooklyn, New York. She is a cultural organizer, language justice advocate, and oral history artist. She is currently a Master of Arts candidate at Columbia University’s Oral History Program and holds a BA in Anthropology as well as in Latin American Literature.
Fernanda is a steward and co-founder of the People’s Climate Arts group, a diverse network of artists and cultural organizers that uses art and culture to help support, mobilize and amplify social movements, while simultaneously creating space for local, long-term projects. The group was a recipient of the 2015 Rauschenberg Foundation Artists as Activists fund. She also co-founded and is a project coordinator of Cooperativa Cultural 19 de enero (CC 1/19), an art and oral history collective working with interviews, murals, and other visual and audio tools. CC 1/19 received The Laundromat Project’s 2015 Create Change commission award.
As part of her thesis at Columbia Oral History MA, Fernanda is working on Hogar de la Distancia (Home of Distance), a sound and visual art project documenting stories of immigrants from Ecuador, one of the largest migrant populations in New York metropolitan area. The interviews and participatory efforts serve as points of departure that inspire audio-visual portraits put together in conjunction with the CC 1/19 collective. In addition to documenting the voices, the project seeks to make visible, honor and recognize the memory and experience of people who migrate and must navigate complex relationships with their loved ones and their homeland from a distance.
With the Smithsonian Latino Museum Studies Program Fernanda hopes to expand her experience in intentional cultural work and continue to create bridges between institutions and Latinx communities by making visible their histories in the United States. She is also excited to learn more about these communities in Washington through her practicum in muralism research.
The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum and research complex, with 19 museums and galleries and the National Zoological Park. On July 1, 1836, Congress accepted the legacy bequeathed to the nation by James Smithson and pledged the faith of the United States to the charitable trust. The total number of objects, works of art and specimens at the Smithsonian is estimated at nearly 138 million, including more than 127 million specimens and artifacts at the National Museum of Natural History.
If you would like more information about this Smithsonian Internships, Fellowships, and Research Associates, please contact the Office of Fellowships and Internships at 202-633-7070 or check out their website smithsonianofi.com
“You Can’t Just Create a Beautiful Space. It Also Has to Feel Safe to Be There.”
A Q&A with How We Go Home editor Sara Sinclair
Voice of Witness shares an inside look into one of the newest oral history projects from Voice of Witness: How We Go Home. Sara is an OHMA alum and is currently Project Coordinator for the Columbia Center for Oral History Research's Robert Rauschenberg Oral History Project.
We’re excited to share an inside look into one of the newest oral history projects from Voice of Witness: How We Go Home.
How We Go Home will illuminate the experiences of Native peoples living on reservations in the U.S. and Canada. Narrators will describe the impacts of forced assimilation, displacement, and the human rights violations emerging from institutional problems within the reservation system, while revealing Native society’s incredible capacity for resistance, healing, and survival.
How We Go Home is one of six projects Voice of Witness is currently incubating through the VOW Story Fund, which provides oral history training, editorial guidance, and project funding to human rights storytellers in need of institutional support.
The Complexity of Biography
Liz Strong is an OHMA alum. In this post, she responds to an Oral History Review blog post, discussing how to strike a balance in the inclusion of biography in oral history interviews. This post is the first in a series of responses to OHR blog posts by the OHMA community.
Read MoreOral Histories of the Ebola Epidemic
Sam Robson is an OHMA alum. In this post, he discusses his experiences as an oral historian at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum, researching the Ebola epidemic.
Read MoreAutomatic Transcription for Oral Histories: One Step Closer at NYPL?
Amy Starecheski is Associate Director of OHMA. In this post, she reports back from an event jointly curated by OHMA, the New York Public Library and Columbia's Digital Humanities Center, in which oral historians tested a new transcript correction tool developed by NYPL Labs.
Read MoreFarther Afield: A Series of Workshops on Anthropology Beyond Academia
Dr. Amy Starecheski presents her research at ABC No Rio
This series of workshops has been organized by PhD students concerned about landing fulfilling jobs in academia and interested in thinking seriously and practically about alternatives to traditional academic positions. The workshops will explore satisfying careers for anthropologists outside, or at an angle to, academia by looking beyond what is traditionally offered by "alt-ac" databases and by focusing on careers that call upon the skills we are trained in as anthropologists: in-depth research, analytic thinking and writing, instruction. We will hear from people who have found—or created—satisfying careers about what they do, how they came to it, and why they enjoy it.
Please join us for our second workshop, focused on public anthropology, broadly construed:
Anthropology in the Public
Friday, April 8, 2-4 pm
Scheps Library - 457 Schermerhorn Ext., Columbia University
Sarah Kendzior (Writer)
Amy Starecheski (Associate Director of the Oral History MA, Columbia University)
Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the Anthropology Graduate Students Association. Contact the organizers with any questions: Amiel Bize (abm37@columbia.edu) and Soo-Young Kim (csk2140@columbia.edu)
Participant bios
Sarah Kendzior is a writer and researcher who focuses on politics, the economy and media. She is a columnist for the Globe and Mail, a former columnist for Al Jazeera English, and a frequent contributor to the Guardian, Politico, Foreign Policy, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and many other publications. In 2012, Kendzior received her PhD in anthropology from Washington University, where she studied the effect of digital media on social movements in former Soviet Central Asia. Kendzior lives in St. Louis and is the author of the essay collection “The View from Flyover Country”.
Amy Starecheski is a cultural anthropologist and oral historian. Since 2012, she has been the Associate Director of the Oral History MA Program at Columbia University. She was a lead interviewer on Columbia’s September 11, 2001 Narrative and Memory Project, for which she interviewed Afghans, Muslims, Sikhs, activists, low-income people, and the unemployed. In 2015 she won the Oral History Association’s article award for “Squatting History: The Power of Oral History as a History-Making Practice.” She received a PhD in cultural anthropology from the CUNY Graduate Center and her book, Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City, is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press.
Website coming soon at fartherafield.org
Exciting Updates from OHMA
OHMA is pleased to provide updates as it continues to strengthen engagement in the program from a variety of oral history community members.
One-Day Workshops and Alumni Short Courses Help Build New Cohorts
OHMA is proud to announce that the overwhelming interest in our one-day oral history workshops held earlier this month - attended by nearly 200 people! - has allowed us to increase in our annual merit scholarship from $4000 to $6500, with the support of matching funds from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. We are grateful for your engagement and hope that you may be interested in continuing the conversation through our Alumni Short Course Series this spring, hosted by the Columbia Oral History History Alumni Association and taught by graduates of our program.
Celebrating our Ten-Year Anniversary with a Digital Thesis Collection
Leading up to OHMA's ten-year anniversary in 2018, we are in the final stages of a project to preserve of our oral history thesis collection. Our students' work will be fully printed, digitized, and archived for internal use by our faculty and student/alumni communities. Access to these projects will help deepen essential discussions on oral history pedagogy, methodology, and analysis within our program.
We will also soon be premiering a public collection of selected thesis material, with a multimedia website and abstracts of our students' work. We hope that this resource will highlight the hard work of our graduates and crucial stories of their narrators. In the meantime, please enjoy our recently updated list of students theses through which you can view the projects already publicly accessible on Columbia's Academic Commons.
"The Art, Praxis and Power of Oral History" with Mary Marshall Clark and Amy Starecheski
On February 24, 2016, CCOHR Director Mary Marshall Clark and OHMA Associate Director Amy Starecheski gave a talk at the Bard College Graduate Center.
Read MoreMay 13: Unconference: Telling Untold Stories at Rutgers-Newark
OHMA alum Molly Rosner is helping to organize this May 13 unconference with Mary Rizzo, which will focus on many aspects of public history. The participants determine the topics that are covered during discussion groups. Registration is $20 and that covers the cost of food for the day. Check out their website for more information.
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