What should the personal statement include?

A wide diversity of experiences and perspectives in the graduate student body enhances Columbia’s academic life: Graduate students work closely with the faculty, constitute the classroom context for their peers, and make substantive contributions to the University's pedagogical and research enterprise.
We ask that you provide a statement (maximum of 1,000 words) that explains how your personal experiences and history will allow you to contribute to the wealth of perspectives in the entering class of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in the Columbia community at large. 

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Can I apply to a M.A. in another discipline and OHMA at the same time?

Columbia GSAS now permits applicants to be reviewed by a second program if they do not receive an offer of admission from their first choice program, with the following restrictions:

  • All second choices are free-standing Masters of Arts programs.
  • Not all programs permit a second choice.
  • Columbia GSAS cannot guarantee that an application will receive a second review. Review is contingent upon deadline and space availability in the second program.
  • Selection of a second review does not affect the review of your application by the program of your first choice.
  • You must select the additional review option at the time of submission of your application; you CANNOT request this option after the application has been submitted.
  • Applicants must upload a separate Statement of Academic Purpose and submit any extra supporting materials required for the second program.  Transcripts, letters and test scores should only be submitted once. However, if your second program requires a writing sample you are required to upload a second writing sample.
  • Applicants applying for the Spring Term are not eligible.
  • Applicants will be able to view and opt for a second choice (if applicable) after selecting their first choice. Do not submit a second application.
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Have you received my admissions materials?

When you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation which means that your application has been received. There are also two ways to check on your application.

The first is to use the tracking number given to you when you submitted the application online. If this shows you have materials missing that you are sure you've submitted, please contact the GSAS Admissions Office directly, as they receive all materials first before sending them to departments. GSAS Admissions can be reached by calling (212) 854-8903, or emailing gsas-admit@columbia.edu.

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How many reference letters do I need, and who can they be from?

We do require 3 recommendations, and we are looking to hear from people who know you and your career goals/trajectory, and who can speak specifically to how this program is the next logical step for you. 

While typically for most people this means the recs will come from a former teacher/professor or employer, it also can be from a co-worker, or a personal reference.

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