Where can I get oral history training?

In addition to our MA Program, OHMA offers free, online, public training workshops, taught by our alumni and faculty. If you join our mailing list you will hear about these, as well as our regular Thursday evening public event series, which is also a great place to learn more about oral history. You can watch recordings of past events here

Our colleagues at the Columbia Center for Oral History Research offer a 2-week Summer Institute every other year - the last one was in 2023.

There are many other excellent oral history workshops and institutes. You can check out upcoming offerings in the Oral History Association’s event listings. We especially recommend the Oral History Summer School (which is not only in the summer) and these recorded workshops from the Oral History Association.

You can also hire an oral historian to provide training for you or your team.

Can you help me find an oral historian?

Yes! We suggest that you start with our Hire Our Alumni directory and/or the Oral History Association’s Find an Oral Historian tool (which also includes many OHMA alums and faculty). If you are considering hiring a freelance oral historian, please start by checking out the OHA’s Statement on Freelance, Independent, and Contract Oral History Labor, which OHMA endorses.

We do also circulate calls for proposals and job descriptions to our alumni mailing list. We require that these include salary/pay information, in accordance with New York State law.

How can I work with OHMA students? Can you connect me with an intern?

There are two different ways to work with our students:

Fieldwork Partner: we are seeking organizations or projects with which students can partner to conduct three interviews as part of their fall fieldwork course.

Fieldwork partners will be required to work with the student to create a brief project design, ensuring that their work will both serve the needs of their partner and fulfill their requirements for the course. The main expectation of partners is that they will connect students with narrators so that they can do three interview sessions in October and November 2024. Students and fieldwork partners work together to negotiate any other deliverables, such as indexes or edited excerpts. Here is the syllabus from a past year's class, so that you can see what we are asking of students and partners.

Internship host: OHMA students are able to undertake internships for credit. They may be involved in any phase of the oral history process, from designing a project to conducting interviews, processing an archive, or creating a public presentation using oral histories. Students will be expected to negotiate a work agreement with their sponsoring organization or project in advance, complete a certain number of hours of work (100-200, depending on how many credits they want), and reflect on their experience.

Internships can be for fall 2024, spring 2025, or summer 2025, and can even stretch over more than one semester. Sponsoring organizations or projects will be expected to create a work plan, supervise, train, and mentor the interning student, and evaluate their work. We prefer that internships be paid. Here is our internship guide, which has more information on the program. Internships can also be open to alums and students can do an internship on a non-credit basis - in this case OHMA plays less of a role in supervising the internship.

Any given project or organization may elect to participate in one or both of these programs. We will be collecting a list of potential fieldwork partners and internship sponsors over the summer, which will be shared with interested students in August. Please be aware that there is a chance that you may be willing to host a student but we will not be able to place a student with you. If you are interested in being a fieldwork partner, please fill out this survey by August 2nd. If you are interested in hosting an intern, please fill out this survey by August 2nd.

Either Nyssa Chow [Interim Director at the Oral History Master of Arts Program] or Rebecca McGilveray [Program Manager], will follow up in August with those of you who are interested in working with our students.